Have not had the luxury to blog eversince my second pregnancy. Was bogged down by work and every day after work, I had to do simple household chores eversince I sent my domestic helper back home when gine started childcare.
Will do a quick update based on the photos that I have taken with my camera...
Was lucky enough to squeeze in a short trip to Penang with sister (who was also pregant). It was the Hari Raya Puasa long weekend and we decided to fly to Penang for the opening of Hard Rock Hotel.
Prior to the trip, all of us (except the 2 pregnant mamas) were taking turns to fall sick and our fingers were crossed that we would recover in time for the trip. Unfortunately, regine and hubby were still down with a mild fever and tummy upset and did not manage to recover in time. Despite this, we were unable to cancel the trip last minute and manage to enjoy ourselves!!
Gine and Gregory enjoying themselves during the flight to Penang (it took us more than 3 hours to reach Penang as we had to detour to KL and then back to Penang again due to bad weather).
Hard Rock Hotel Penang (Newly Opened in Sep 2009)
Group photo before our departure. Unfortunately, we did not manage to get our favourite Penang tau sar piah as the famous shop was closed that day.