Have you ever wondered what is coming up next in your life?
Just a thought that came to my mind while reflecting on my own life...
When we were young, we looked forward to growing up. No more exams, no more stress. No disciplinary restrictions, a carefree life, independence, freedom. We envied the adults and were unable to relate to their worries. Innocent and simple...
In fact, at that stage of life, university graduation was what we were looking forward to. Hurdle after hurdle, exam after exam. Day in day out, life revolved round exams, school holidays, simple outings with friends, worries over pocket money, boy-girl relationships (BGR) etc.
At that time, parents were worried that we did not get a good education and would not be able to support ourselves in the future. We never appreciate their concern and regard them as a 'nuisance'. We blame them for nagging at us, intruding and controlling our life.
As we completed our education and stepped into the working society, we strived and struggled, hoping to climb up the corporate ladder, quickly if possible. At times, we did not pay much attention nor showed enough concern for our parents. Our parents yearned for us to get married and start our own families. We never understand their anxiousness and took our own sweet time on our 'family planning'.
Well, so what's next after setting up a family and having a career?
Promotion? Retrenchment? Mid career crisis? Or even better, retirement?
We look forward to our younger generation, achieving various milestones, just like what our parents were hoping to witness when we were young.
What's going to change about our lifestyle? Our health?
Perhaps I have witnessed Mum suffering much from her illness, her chemotherapy treatment during her last few years of life. Yet, she tried her utmost to continue to care for her children, worrying about her children's welfare and well-being, persistent and persevering till her last day, her last breath.
So, what is the true meaning of life? Going through the various stages and life cycle - days, months, years, decades...
Well, guess everyone is still searching for the true meaning of life but one thing that I'm definitely sure of - live life to the fullest, whichever way you desire, cos nobody is able to turn back the clock and choose to live the life they wanted the second time.
coming up next is aging. diseases will catch up with you, sooner if u continue to put on weight and refuse to exercise. your most important task is to invest in your child's future. Save up enuf for her. Invest in health and in wealth. Also to help her take care of u in future, maybe should have a sibling or siblings.
this is the cycle of life : birth, aging, illness and death.
can start by checking your fasting sugar and cholesterol.
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