Do you spend time eating with your family every day? If yes, you will agree with me that the annual 'Eat with your family day' is redundant. Agree?
To start off with, perhaps I am one of the luckiest ones who is able to head home straight after working hours on most days, and get to eat home cooked food almost every other day. Hence, I do not really see the relevance of such a day.
Well, ultimately, what is the objective for setting aside such a day for everyone to eat with their family?
Yes, I do agree that most working personnel do work late into the night and settle their lunches and dinners outside, forgoing the nutritional value of home cooked food in exchange of convenience. By the time they reach home, they would be so tired that they would head straight for bed. So, doesn't this explains the decreasing (in fact, low!!) birth rate?
Even for myself, surviving now without a domestic maid, most of my time would be spent on washing clothes, cleaning up milk bottles etc etc. By the time my back melts on my bed, I would drift into slumberland, almost immediately!!
Yes, I do agree that work is just one important aspect of life and it would be sad to have one spending a large proportion of his life working, without development in other aspects of life. But, well, in such a competitive world these days (topping up with inflation, retrechment every now and then), it is definitely not easy for us to work towards a more balanced work-family type of life.
This year, fathers are encouraged to head home and cook at least 1 dish for the family. Definitely not an easy task to achieve since we were only given half an hour off work earlier. Then there was the first ever Family Day out in Singapore on May 24, a Saturday!! What difference does it make since majority of Singaporeans are already on a 5-day work week?
Well, perhaps we may want to ask for more family time but can we? Politically, economically and socially...just a thought on my end...