Every morning, while Hubby drives Gine to school, Mummy Barney will sit with her at the rear. In order to keep her occupied through the journey, will revise her Zoo-phonics (which she has learnt last year at GUG). Recently, after she has started her Shichida class, Mummy Barney will also test Regine on her ABCs and Numbers 1 to 20.
Nearly fell off my chair and just couldn't stop smiling to myself after this:
MB: A for?
Regine: Apple
MB: B for?
Regine: Ball
And she goes on with C for Cat, D for Dog, E for eee (still can't pronounce elephant), F for fish, G for Goat, H for Horse and...
MB: I for?
Regine: I-yo
Guess I must have said 'Aiyo' so many times at home that Regine is being conditioned that way...Sigh...