Thursday, September 27, 2007

Baby? Or Doll?

Gine has this liking for dolls, perhaps cos she is a girl. Well, brought her to Toys 'R' Us and every time, the moment she spots the tiny pram with the doll, she will start pushing the pram round the entire store, till the every moment that she is supposed to depart. Guess she must be imitating Mummy or Daddy, as we pushes her pram. (She simply refuses to sit in her pram recently and insists on walking independently nowadays).
Recently, when we brought her to Toys 'R' Us again, she went around, touching the hands of all the dolls through the tiny little opening of their boxes. Hee, hee, not too sure whether she was comforting them, cos they are just dolls, and not babies like her... :))


Marina said...

Think it's a girl's thing to do. Greg doesn't like to push small strollers/ prams. Neither does he like dolls (though he loves his dog and giraffe stuffed toys). He only goes for balls or bikes in such departmental stores.

Mummy Barney said...

Gine also likes kicking her 'Hello Kitty' beach ball round the house. And she can hug and 'sayang' her wohwoh (dog) stuff toy as well. Even feed the doggie from her milk bottle..

Barlalee said...

Ouch! I felt as if Regine is poking my eyes!