Monday, November 19, 2007

Diary of Regine's 1st School Day

Dear Mummy,

Mummy, I guess you must have been thinking of me for the whole morning. I miss you too! I have lots to tell you, let me share with you what I’ve been doing in school since morning.

I was having fun at our outdoor activity time, but I began to cry for you when it’s time for us to come back into the class. I stood at the door, refused to go along with my teachers or friends. Ms Lim came up to me and hugged me, she asked me to stop crying and talk to her, to tell her what I want. I’m a big girl and I understood. I stopped crying, pointed to the door and called for mummy. “Mummy come, mummy bao bao”. Ms Lim understood, and she sat down with me at the door, spent some time talking with me.

After a while, I stood up and began to walk around in the school, looking for you. Ms Lim followed me around until I finally understood that mummy is really not hiding anywhere here. She brought me back to class to join my friends at work. I stood from afar and observe them for a while. Teacher understands that I might feel shy and uncomfortable to join into the group, she stood by my side, and explained to me what my friends were doing. Though I did not take the initiative to approach them, but when Teacher Hidaya offered me the plate and pegs, I took it immediately. I joined my friends at table to do some pegging work. Mummy, I pegged 2 pegs onto the plate you know!

It’s time for lunch. But I’m getting a little sleepy, and started to think of you again. After I came out from the toilet, I went over to the door and whined for you. I started to cry when brought back to the meal table in my class, all my friends looked at me in amaze, and 2 of them began to cry too. Teacher brought me to another table to have my lunch so that my emotions will not affect my friends. I had half a bowl of rice with chicken & vege soup. While waiting for the rest to finish their lunch, I almost dozed off. Upon seeing that, teacher brought me to get cleaned up 1st so that I can get to sleep earlier. Guess to blame it on my sleepiness, I was quite grouchy. As I wasn’t perspiring much, teacher decided not to shower me, she cleaned me up with wet towel, changed my diapers and clothes. I fell fast asleep upon lying down on the mattress. I slept much earlier than my friends, from 12pm to 1pm.

At 1pm, after I woke up, teacher offered me my milk. I finished all 200ml. Guess what? I lay on my mattress throughout to finish my milk! As my friends were all still sleeping, teacher sat my by side at my mattress where she read me some books. In between, I did whine a little for you occasionally when I thought of you. But my frequency in intervals slowly reduced. At 3pm when all friends woke up, I followed them in dragging our mattress to keep. We then went on to have our music session where I played solo, duet on the keyboard with friends.

At 3pm when all friends woke up, I followed them in dragging our mattress to keep. We then went on to have our music session where I played solo, duet on the keyboard with friends.

At 3.30pm, snack time! I beautifully settled myself with friends at the meal table, had some cakes and water. I fed myself, and sat at the table throughout my meal you know. Not too sure what we will be doing after snack, but I shall stop here. Maybe teacher can update you more later when you pick me up.

Miss you
Your dearest Regine

Written by Ms Lim, Vice-Principal of TLL Learning Vision

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