Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spectacular View of Hong Kong - From the Victoria's Peak

Tired and almost collapsed from an entire day of walking, or perhaps I should say, window- shopping (since I did not manage to purchase anything).

Started the day trying to locate some shops selling baby clothes at the industrial park. Shucks! No luck! The shop and factory outlets were closed down, almost 2 years ago! Count on the list given by friends and other sources...

Then pop by Ladies' Street which was supposed to be a popular shopping district - Well, more like the pasar malam stalls that you can find back in Singapore.

SOHO - Sounds like an interesting and classy place. Ooooohhh...lots of up slope and I could feel the strain on my knee while I was walking. Anyway, wide variety of restaurants but nothing fanciful.

Hong Kong streets are definitely crowded and cramp. Buildings are also dilapidated, was wondering why unlike Singapore, they do not have SERS programme or even en-bloc sales so that new buildings can be built...

Anyway, after a tiring day, Hubby brought us to Victoria's Peak. Took a tram up and it was definitely worth it!! Decided to hang around at Pacific Coffee before we finally said our good bye to HK!

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